Guidelines for Returning to In-Person Worship
As we return to worship, we will do so carefully and with a measured approach that recognizes both out faith in God and our knowledge of COVID-19 and it’s associated risks. Here are some basic rules we are going to ask people to follow in the days ahead. This will be a “moving target” as we continue to evaluate the overall health of the congregation and the impact of COVID-19 on us.
I am grateful to Ryan Weaver, who is a healthcare professional certified in dealing with COVID-19 for helping develop these guidelines.
- We will return to in-person worship on June 14, 2020.
- This will NOT include Sunday school for near future – we do not have adequate space to accommodate all of our Sunday school classes in the building while maintaining social distancing and disinfecting rules.
- We ask that you enter only through the door on the far-right side of the building as you look from the parking lot. This will take you directly into the sanctuary.
- The sanctuary entrance will be an entrance only – no exit, to minimize people passing each other. The exit doors will be clearly marked to maintain one-way traffic in the sanctuary. You will be asked to exit through the doors closest to the kitchen.
- While inside the church building, if you are willing and able, we ask that you wear a mask. We recognize that not everyone is able to do this, and ask that is you are unable to wear a mask you maintain extra social distancing from people wearing masks. If you arrive without a mask and desire to wear one, we have disposable masks for your use.
- We will social distance in family groups. We ask that all of your family that has spent time together during the pandemic sit together to make as much room in the sanctuary as possible. Family groups must maintain 6 feet separation from other family groups. We will not be taping off pews since we have many large family groups.
- Once the sanctuary is at capacity with social distancing, we will be asking people to go to the fellowship hall, where overflow seating will be available. You will maintain social distancing rules in the fellowship hall, as well.
- Only one person is allowed in each of the rest rooms at a time, unless it is a family member who needs assistance. There will be signs in the door reminding you to knock.
- Hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the building for your use.
- Please, until it is deemed safe, no hugging, hand-shaking, or other physical contact. You might be ok with it, but others might still be uncomfortable with it.
- Please place offerings in the box near the entrance to the sanctuary, which will be moved to the exit before the end of the service.
- Please e-mail or text Pastor Rich prayer requests prior to the service at [email protected] or 814-602-3212.