We are taking a break from our study of The Story to celebrate Advent and Christmas. We will resume our study on December 29th with Chapter 12, The Trials of a King. This break might be a good chance to “catch-up” if you have not had the opportunity to keep current with your reading. Also, it is not too late for you to begin. Just get yourself a book and begin reading chapter 12. Books are still available in Heritage Hall.
KFC will be on our Christmas break from Dec. 1st thru Dec. 29th. We will resume KFC and our study of The Story on Jan. 5th. Today the KFC children will be decorating the Christmas tree during the worship service. Traditionally, KUMC has provided a Christmas meal for families in the community in need. You can help by providing names and telephone numbers of families that you know that could use a Christ-mas meal. The Good Samaritan Fund will provide the turkeys but we could use your help in collecting non-perishable food items to add to the meal. Help in packing the boxes, delivering them and monetary donations would be greatly appreciated. Donations are needed by December 15th. Please call Ray or Ruth Powell (798-4009) if you can help. Don’t forget; today is the last day to order Poinsettias. Order forms are available on the table in Heritage Hall if you did not get one last week. Included in your bulletin today is the 2013 Christmas shut-in list. Please drop your cards in the box in Heritage Hall than Sunday, December 15th. Remember that you can also use the church mailbox to send Christmas Cards to any member of the congregation. Next week, November 24, 2013, we will begin a break from our study of The Story to celebrate Advent and Christmas. We will resume our study on December 29th with Chapter 12, The Trials of a King. This break might be a good chance to “catch-up” if you have not had the opportunity to keep current with your reading. Also, it is not too late for you to begin. Just get yourself a book and begin reading chapter 12. Books are still available in Heritage Hall.
Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service – 7:00 pm November 27, 2013 – Stoystown Lutheran Church Don’t be alone on Thanksgiving. St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 202 West Union St., Somerset will be serving a Thanksgiving meal from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Thursday, November 28, 2013. The meal is sponsored by the Salvation Army-Somerset Service Center. ALL ARE WELCOME! Camp Allegheny invites you to the 7th Annual Christmas Dinner Theater. “Night of Joy” will be presented by the Ready for Eternity Players from Oakland United Methodist Church on December 7th and 8th. Advance reservations are required by December 2, 2013. For additional information contact: Camp Allegheny at (814)754-4336 or by e-mailing [email protected]. Please visit our newly revised KUMC website. We are now publishing an Announcements page, in case you missed something in worship. By clicking on the Calendar tab, you will see a real-time calendar which shows you everything on the church schedule. Finally, we have added a tab called Story Questions, which includes companion thought starters for each chapter of The Story. The location is the same, www.kantnerunitedmethodist.net. Just a note! Copies of The Story in adult, youth, children or toddler format are available and would make great Christmas gifts! Call the office for more information. Next Sunday will be United Methodist Student Day. An envelope will be included in your bulletin. Donations benefit UM Scholarships and the UM Student Loan Fund and is administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. |
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